Cozzy evening flight over Luxembourg

Finally, spring has arrived in Luxembourg. Over are the dark rainy days. It changes everyone’s mood right away. Last evening, we invited our Belgian friends Eddy Depickere and his wife Bea for dinner at home. Eddy only told his wife at the last moment that we were going for an evening flight over Luxembourg. Surprise, surprise ! 

Weather outlook was simply superb. Calm wind, great visibility. My 3 year old son joined us.

This is the track we flex (courtesy Air Navigation Pro)

Ready for take off

My son Alejandro is in a good mood

Bea is closely watching

Let’s grab some AVGAS fuel

Going to holding point 06
Bea is ready for the flying experience

Cleared for take off
Taking off
heading north


exit point charlie

Luxembourg is even more beautiful from the skies

Cattenom in sight

My son expresses loud and clear he thinks it is time to land


short final 06



 After a safe landing, we headed home. My wife welcomed us with a great dinner and drinks. Life can be sweet 🙂

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