
Check-list and apps I use for long fly-outs

April 28, 2019

If one leaves on a multiple-day fly-out, one needs to be well prepared. Here’s the list I prepared for the Melilla fly-out of 2019 My full check-list for a long haul flight Passport & Pilots license & Medical certificate Serengeti sunglasses & a couple of spare glasses Air million maps for Belgium, France, and Spain.…


Preparation for Melilla

April 28, 2019

Only a couple of days to go prior that our UPL-AOPA Luxembourg group flying to Melila starts. The trip will be more than 2200 Nautical miles all together, to be performed in 4 flying days. Quite intense to say the least. I intend to fly with the Mooney M20J , with call sign OO-LVT starting…


Preparing for Melilla : crosswind exercise

March 31, 2019

We’re preparing for the UPL-AOPA flyout to Melilla scheduled on May 1st, 2019, which I intend to fly with the Mooney M20J of Limburgse Vleugels. In order to be “well-prepared” with this Mooney, I try to fly it more often nowadays after a forced break last winter due to a license admin issue. This Sunday…