Month: October 2014
There was an issue with loading the Aerokurier magazine on my Ipad. I have a quite recent Ipad (Air version), but after upgrading to IOS8, the app was no longer functioning. I tried many things, nothing worked…and thus I had no longer access to my Aerokurier magazines. Chatting with the helpdesk providing the solution, which…
Read More >>The President of my Belgian flying club, Michel Notelaers, who was also my flight instructor many years ago, often told me that buying a plane as a private pilot flying only in the weekends goes as follows. The first year, the fresh owner flies more than 100 hours taking all his friends with him. The…
Read More >>Today, I planned a flight from Luxembourg to my Belgian club of Zwartberg, with a C172. I had another pilot joining as a passenger, called Mike. He has an american license and is going to convert it to a EASA license as he lives as well in Luxembourg these days. We arrived early at the…
Read More >>From Hilversum, we took off after lunch and I flew to Goch in Germany (EDLG). It is a grass airfield with glider activities as well. After landing, we were instructed to park next to the tower. We were searching and passed next to it without noticing it was the tower 🙂 Time for a coke.…
Read More >>Being in the Netherlands, I always eat bitterballen. When I was a kid and going with my parents to Maastricht dfor shopping on Saturdays, my father learned me to enjoy these dutch “specialties”. It tastes very well with some mustard. This is exactly whet we have been doing in Hilversum.
Read More >>My Belgian club has an online reservation system where you book a plane for a number of hours. I booked some hours on Saturday, Sep 27th , 2014 – with the option that I was open to take another pilot with me. Shortly after, my Belgian pilot friend Ludo called me and asked if the…
Read More >>Today was a very special day for our family. My son ( 4 years old) has accompagnied me for the first time sitting on the co-pilot seat. He joined us at many occasions at the back seat since the time he was just a baby (here are the pics) but this time we went just…