
A new chapter in our aviators life starts now

December 14, 2022

Signature of agreement with Niklas Anderberg, CEO of Blackwing Sweden


From Luxembourg to Fayence with friends

July 9, 2020

Cessna 182 The initial plan was to fly together with Luxembourger Guy and my son Alejandro to Billund, Denmark to visit Legoland. Denmark is complicated this year because of Covid-19. Therefore, the plans changed and we agreed to go for a weekend with Guy, his spouse Chantal en my nephew Franky to Fayence in Southern…


North Sea weekend at Norderney

July 2, 2020

Norderney, here we are !

June 27, 2020

Summertime is flying time. The weather is under influence of a low pressure system over Scotland, bringing many Thunderstorms and heeps of rain over the Beneluc. I therefore have to very precisely time my flight from Genk to Norderney. I am hesitating because of heavy winds. A call with my Flight Instructor Kristof Goosssens convinced…


Luxembourg to Koblenz

June 26, 2020

Alternative flight Since the club plane we booked for a week had only had only a couple of engine hours left prior to go for revision, I have to develop an alternative for the planned flight to Southern France. So, we decide to go for the day to Koblenz. I plotted a route flying over…


Deconfinement with restrictions

May 16, 2020

No Pan-European rulesetting There is non Pan-European common approach with regards to General Aviation, it seems unfortunately not part of the EASA mandate. Every country is putting its own set of rules in place. In Belgium, one can resume flying with a set of sanitary and security measures, but one can only fly in non-controlled…


AOPA Luxembourg

March 26, 2020

The digital road with Zoom With the current lockdown in Luxembourg, our pilots are all grounded. We have no idea at this moment how long this crisis will take and how we will come out of it. In the mean time, life and club life goes on. With AOPA Luxembourg, we will have tomorrow evening…


IAOPA 141st meeting in Rovaniemi, Finland

September 12, 2019

I am on my way to Rovaniemi in Finland for the 141st European meet8ng of IAOPA. This is the second time I’ll attend. This year, the event is organised by AOPA Finland at the Xmas village A presentation by Lutz Dommel / RPP Group about drones and their integration into the airspace A presentation about…


Part 3: From Béziers (Fr) to Castellane (ES)

May 22, 2019

The longest day This May 2nd became a day to be full of adventurous flying. Every team topped up their planes with AVGAS as we’ll have to cross most of Spain. There will be no AVGAS available for our planes in Melilla, so I planned to make a fuel (and toilet) stop somewhere in between…


Preparing for Melilla : crosswind exercise

March 31, 2019

We’re preparing for the UPL-AOPA flyout to Melilla scheduled on May 1st, 2019, which I intend to fly with the Mooney M20J of Limburgse Vleugels. In order to be “well-prepared” with this Mooney, I try to fly it more often nowadays after a forced break last winter due to a license admin issue. This Sunday…