Month: April 2015
The end of the mountain soaring training course arrived. I roughly flew some 25 hours in six flying days, my mountain flying technique was sharpened a lot, I enjoyed the most beautiful sights of this part of the Alps a person can dream of and I had a very good time ! Regis Kuntz gave…
Read More >>The airfield of Fayence-Tourrettes (LFMF) benefits of more than 300 flying days a year, which is quite exceptional. If you like to rent a sailplane (glider) for the day, you need to make sure that you express your intentions to the chiefpilot, Regis Kunz, at 9am. He puts all demands together and distributes the planes.…
Read More >>The last two days, I’ve been flying another 2 mountain flights with a different instructor, being Jean Magne. First, We struggled very hard to get out of the local Fayence area (again). Once passed the Lachens mountain and the barre de Séranon, everything went smoothly. We have been performing a 257 km flight in nearly…
Read More >>Today, I have been making a local flight in a KA6 sailplane. The Ka6 (German make) one-seater was one of the most successful wooden glider designs of the 1950’s and 1960’s. It is well suited to make cross country overland flights. There was a lot of wind today coming from the northwest. That’s why we…
Read More >>The first two days of my mountain flying program are behind me. It has been very intense to say the least. On Monday, we have been flying 4.5 hours (276 kms) and today we have been soaring for 5.5 hours (and performing 433 kms). Today was truly impressive in every way. We were able to…
Read More >>Eastern 2015. The soaring season starts again. This year, I’ve planned to improve my mountain flying skills. That’s why I’ve traveled to Southern France to the Fayence-Tourrettes airfield. The chief instructor, Regis Kuntz, setup a training program for this week allowing me to strengthen my mountain flying skills and achieve a 200 km overland flight…