Month: June 2013
This week, we got the terrible news that my friend and gliding nstructor, Michel Trial of Fayence, passed away. Here’s the text I posted on this blog some two years ago about Michel ” I’m close with Michel Trial. He just became 65 years and he brings 25.000 hours of gliding experience. What I like…
Read More >>I compared rental rates for some planes between my Belgian ( Limburgse Vleugels at EBZW Zwartberg-Genk ) and my Luxembourg club (Aerosport at ELLX). The outcome is quite interesting: At both airfields, one can find AVGAS 100LL, which is very convenient. In Genk, billing is based upon clock time and in Luxembourg, billing is based…
Read More >>This weekend, I headed to my Belgian flying club, “Limburgse Vleugels” located at the Zwartberg/Genk EBZW airfield. The last time I flew the C172SP with Garmin 1000 glass cockpit dates from 2008. That’s five years ago since I last flew it, reason enough to take some flight lessons on this machine. I booked three flights…
Read More >>Finally, spring has arrived in Luxembourg. Over are the dark rainy days. It changes everyone’s mood right away. Last evening, we invited our Belgian friends Eddy Depickere and his wife Bea for dinner at home. Eddy only told his wife at the last moment that we were going for an evening flight over Luxembourg. Surprise,…
Read More >>I wanted to charge and update my Garmin GPSMap 495 but discovered that both my batteries do not work anymore. Grrr ! The reason is probably because I did not use my GPS for a year. I called the Garmin support service desk in the UK…and they confirmed that this was indeed the reason. They…
Read More >>Today, I made a one hour flight with a very special glider at the LFMF airfield of Fayence. This plane (F-CRJB) was built some 30 years ago by gliding instructor Jean Magne. Jean is nowadays 83 years old and still a flying instructor. I planned to fly a Ka-6 glider today, but Jean came to…