Month: August 2019
From Genk-Zwartberg to Parma (Part 4): exploring Parma
Tourism The next morning, we discover the Parma area. Not many tourists around for mid -August. This region is so beautiful and full of historic buildings. Wonderfull! We enjoy it very much. Mimi brings us to “La Rocca”, that seems to be the best store to get ham and cheese from Parma. Mimi Vinckenbosch moved…
Read More >>From Genk-Zwartberg to Parma (Part 3) : The bay of Genua
Preparing to take off We are in Cannes right now, preparing to take off for Parma this morning. According to Aeroweather, skies are clear, but on the satellite picture, it tells me something different. Maybe a thin cloud layer in the Bay of Genua. Anyway, we’re going for it. It is the first time I’ll…
Read More >>From Genk-Zwartberg to Parma (Part 2): stopover in Cannes
Changing plans There’s a lot of rain on its way to Luxembourg on this long August 15 weekend. I planned to go to a pilot’s fly-in in Kalinigrad initially and meet there with a Polish pilot, and attend an AOPA supported event, but as I fly VFR, seems not to be a good idea to…
Read More >>From Genk-Zwartberg to Parma (Part 1) : the departure
A new engine for the Mooney I drive to Hasselt to visit my mother, who’s 89 years old now. After staying overnight at her house together with my son, my mother drops me off the next morning at the Genk-Zwartberg airfield. Today, we are going to pick up the Mooney of our flying club. The…