Month: March 2019
We’re preparing for the UPL-AOPA flyout to Melilla scheduled on May 1st, 2019, which I intend to fly with the Mooney M20J of Limburgse Vleugels. In order to be “well-prepared” with this Mooney, I try to fly it more often nowadays after a forced break last winter due to a license admin issue. This Sunday…
Read More >>At the beginning of a new flying season, private pilots go for a check-flight with an instructor as the flying clubs we typically rent planes of require this. At Aéro-Sport Luxembourg, I performed such a checkflight. Annoyingly enough, it consisted about making oh so many 360 circles in downwind due to commercial traffic at Luxembourg…
Read More >>From 2010 till the end of 2017, I have been actively blogging about my experiences as a private pilot, using the Google blogger platform. It was easy to use and allowed me to quickly upload posts from my smartphone, whenever I had a minute. However, over time, some of the features changed and as I…